I needed this.

My name is Jen Green. I’m the director of sustainability in Burlington, Vermont and love my daily bike commute. I love being outside, the empowerment of self-propulsion, and knowing that I’m not adding to car traffic, pollution, or greenhouse gas emissions. Not only that, but my bike commute prepares my body and mind for the office; my commute home lets me unwind.

I also love my classic, tailored work clothes – my “investment” pieces that I can wear throughout the week, changing up each day with a different top, jacket, boots. I don’t buy a lot of clothes, but what I own I love. No fast fashion here!

What I don’t love is hauling my work clothes back and forth – or the time it takes to change from commuter to office wear.

So, why not office clothes for bike commuting?

That’s why I decided to create a line of clothing for the professional woman who commutes by bike – clothes that are well-made, tailored, functional, and suited for the office – and yet able to handle a daily bike commute. My designs include a pencil skirt (the “Allie) and a fabulous sheath dress (the “Liz”) with gorgeous lining and a hidden zipper, which when open, allows for easy biking. When the zipper comes down, Voila! Off you head into the office.

What I’ve since discovered?

Women want beautiful, professional clothes for everyday movement - not just bike commuting! I’ve heard from the teacher who appreciates being able to get down on the floor and read with her first-grade class, the executive who wants to stride out during her lunch time walk, the woman who wants to hop up on a bar stool for a post-work gathering - women who want slim fit clothes but the ability to move.

Thank you for adding your name to the mailing list, sharing this site with friends, and joining me on this adventure – one that combines all the benefits of bike commuting, with clothes that empower the professional you! I look forward to your feedback and being in touch!

Jen Green